Friday, July 19, 2013

Arrowhead Provincial Park (2013)

We're back home safe and sound. A good time has been had by all. Bears and moose were loose in the park, but my camera never got a shot. As you can see, Lucille was a true trooper, but really never got to far. Its like spinning your wheels and going nowhere.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Garba Temporarily Laid Up

Garba has had a full knee replacement on May 21/2013. Surgery went well, and we're now into week 7 of post-op physio. It isn't easy, but its a learning experience for both of us. During the 6 week checkup with the surgeon I was able to take this picture of the implant inside Lucille's knee.

We're going to try and push the envelope a bit and attempt to go camping with family for a few days. I'll post the results once we're back.