Well its finally happened. Another milestone reached. Our motor home has been returned to its place of birth. Forest City Iowa.
Our purpose for returning the motor home to its birth place, are minor and curiosity. The technical issues for the service center are small, but our desire to meet the people involved, and the staff at the WIT office are on an all time high. Yes, it[s an understatement that we are enthralled with the Winnebago Organization. Getting here was a short drive on Saturday (Trip Day 88) through the corn fields. A remarkable higher number of windmills dotted the landscape after we crossed the state line into Iowa.
To say it simply, its darn hot here today. I knew of no other way to cool Lou down then to take her shopping. With no Walmart in sight, I found the following substitute.
Once we located the Winnebago Service Center Park a site was located under a number of trees. An there in front of our motor home was a familiar Journey owned by the Booth's. I'm sure you all remember that Barbra and Tony Booth were our Alaskan Caravan Hosts. Its actually like were still on the Caravan. Where they are, we constantly appear with no prearrangements. We're going to be shell shocked when we finally say goodbye after the service center has dealt with both our coaches. Unless a miracle happens ,this will be the last time our paths cross in 2010, since they are heading south, and we are heading east.
The temperature on Sunday (Trip Day 89) was no lower then yesterday. After church we both had a snooze followed by a delightful social with the Booths under the shade of a Forest City tree. Current affairs, food, Alaskan Caravan, and the Grand Circle Caravan issues were dealt with in great depth among other things.

Monday morning (Trip Day 90) found Peter at the service center counter at 7;00am. You'll remember that I was on a standby list, first come first served for the customer service same day window. Every day the service center leaves a small window open for customers who drop in with no appointment. Having been told that the service department opens at 7:00 am, I decided to go early at 6:30 am. Guess what. It looked like and RV Rally. The place was swarming with Winnebago motor homes.Yes, most had prearranged appointments, but when the door opened it was a mad rush. When my turn arrived at the counter I was told that there was no opening for me in Monday's window. The best that could be done for me today was to come back for an update later in the day. With that settled we decided to go for the factory tour at 1:00pm. Reservations were made for us by none other then Tony and Barbara. I have to admit that this is more a guy's thing, but Lou did come along. Good sport that she is. I tried my best to not get into trouble, but you all know how difficult that is for me. It didn't take long into the tour, that I was asked to hid my camera. Picture taking within the plant is forbidden. How was I to know. So as a result I have few pictures to show you from the maternity ward.

Since the tour started and ended at the WIT Visitor Center Office, it was also here that we met Pam Urbatsch, and Laurel Erickson. It was these fine ladies that had organized and put the Alaskan 2010 Caravan together. From our enthusiasm I'm sure that they understood how appreciative we were of their work in preparing the Caravan. Application forms were obtain, and everyone left with smiles on their faces.
A quick trip across the street at 3:30 to the service center and we were told that our appointment was set for Tuesday morning . And as promise the motor home entered the service bay at 11:00am. on trip day 92 and reappeared at 3:30pm. In the mean time puzzles supplied by Winnebago kept Papa busy.
After a side trip for groceries and supper we returned to our site,, and analysed the maps for a more direct way home.
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