Saturday, August 7, 2010

Squamish BC. (Trip Day 74)

Spent last night in a campground in Cache Creek BC. Supper was in house, and we discovered that the site was rather mosquito free. An unusual event. So daring as we are, we decided to sit on the picnic table next to our coach, and try to locate a campground close to Jake's address.

Now try to picture this. Garba is sitting on the bench closest to the motor home. Two cups of coffee on the table, plus an assortment of maps. Out comes Papa to sit next to her. The downward motion of my rear end never stopped until both of us were sitting on the ground looking into the table.Tnx to the couple next door who heard  our commotion, and freed us from our plight. In the end there was little damage. Wet maps, empty cups, and a couple of additional bruises on Garba. Needless to say, no campsite was picked, and we'll wing it tomorrow. Highway 99 from Cache Creek to Vancouver follows the Fraser River I believe. This is the same Hwy that Garba and I took with Donna and Larry Dobroski some 10-15 years ago. I should have thought about it more, then just remembering that we took it together. Once on the road and committed to this path it became a nightmare for Garba.

With grades up to 15% this Hwy winds its self along the mountain with no guard rails. The road itself was in fairly good shape, some construction, but no shoulders from beginning to end. It will be interesting to see how Garba deals with this drive in her diary. Half way down this Hwg we went through Pemberton, stopped to take a picture at the visitor's center and continued on.

We continued down the Hwy, passed Whistler and decided to call it a day in Squamish. This part of the Hwy has been branded Shy to Sea Hwy. It\s multi lane, newly paved, and provides spectacular views.

I promised Jerry last night, that I'd show him what the windsock looks like that he UPS'd to me in Anchorage Alaska. Here she be.

This picture was taken in Valdez Alaska. Its shows Papa's flag pole and two windsocks. The American sock was purchased in Alaska, and the Canadian sock was UPS'd to me by Jerry from Hamilton. When the vehicle is in motion this pole collapses to 48". and is carried in the storage compartment.



  1. Great to see you are continuing to travel the "scenic" roadways. We are firmly settled amid the metropolitan area of Seattle. Dan & Judy are 2 spaces away from us in this park. Dan's comment after we had been here a day (while washing his coach I might add) was that Judy was back in civilization and had gone out for manicure/pedicure/hair fixin'.

  2. Hi Papa and Garba. Tammy and I were wondering how many new clubs you have formed over the last 2 1/5 months. I see Larry, Dan and Judy are members of you post Caravan friendship club. Tell Garba that while camping at Wildwood by the Severn, we formed are own club. Our new club is called the "Sunday breakfast at Heather's club" . Members are Ron, Heather, Wendy, Tammy, Lucas and of course me. Drive safely and give Jake a big hug from all of us.

  3. Flag & windsock look great!
    That pole needs an HF ham antenna tied to it! ;)
    Hope there aren't too many residual aches from the picnic table incident.
    Safe voyaging,
